Common Tree Problems and Their Solutions
An invasive tiny purple insect that shelters in woolly masses at the base of hemlock needles. Their feeding reduces growth and can lead to premature needle drop, grayish-green foliage, thinned crowns, and eventual death of the tree.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
This deep green colored insect is invasive and can be very destructive to ash trees. These insects girdle the branches and trunk of the tree, causing a cut-off of water and nutrients.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
A soft bodied insect that enjoys feeding on plant sap. Infested leaves can turn yellow and pucker, while aphid feeding on flower buds and fruit can lead to malformities.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
A dark grey/brown insect that hatches from a "case" or "bag" that the caterpillar forms and suspends on branches. The smaller larvae injure plants by feeding on needles and leaves, while larger larvae can cause severe defoliation and even death. Most commonly found on evergreen trees.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
A disease causing fungus that leads to wilting/ leaf loss and eventual death. Following the initial infection, the fungus will travel through the trees water system, causing dehydration.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
A fungal disease that results in the curling of leaves, leaf spots, and early leaf drop. The fungi attach themselves to the leaves and are spread by water and wind. Anthracnose is usually found in shade trees.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
A chronic disease that can lead to premature leaf browning, marginal necrosis, and defoliation. This disease is spread by leaf hoppers and treehopper insects. The tree will see a gradual decline until the disease eventually kills the tree.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
A fungal disease that causes flagging of branches. This is where reddish-brown branches are found growing in the middle of normally green branches. The infection can kill a tree if it is found on multiple branches or on the trunk.
Learn more about this problem HERE.
Rust Spots, Cherry Leaf Spots, Black Knot, Brown Rot, Fire Blight, Powdery Mildew, Apple Maggots
Learn more about fruit tree diseases HERE.
Tree Disease and Treatment Examples: